Complete a pre-course survey. Describe your research experience, your expectations for this course, etc
Choose a research area for the purpose of this course (you are free to
select a different area for your research career!).
We provide you with the list of areas and a top conference for each area. You should browse
through the most recent (2019 or 2020) program of conferences that interest you from the given list.
From the research area and corresponding conference you selected in Assignment 2, choose a paper that excites you the most.
Submit (i) a max-500 word essay describing why you think it’s a good paper, major contributions of the paper, your critique, etc., and (ii) PDF of the paperRe-write (not revise) the abstract of the paper you selected in Assignment 3.
In your submission, include the title and author information of the
paper, the original abstract, and your abstract.
Some of your writings will be discussed in the writing workshop.
Write a customized resume for a specific job posting. Job postings are provided. Some resumes will be discussed during the resume workshop.
Job posting list
Write a review of 3 proposals written by your classmates.
Common pitfalls to avoid
Complete a post-course survey. Describe how your view on research has changed after taking this course, what you liked and disliked, your suggestion for the future course, etc.